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who's your favorite so far? ^^
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OMG I only saw the first 14 m and am already suuuuper excited
Thank youuuu,,, really good choice ������������
omg!! 14 yo girls is allowed in the competition?? WHYYY
Thankyou for the subsssss!!!!
From the first episode my fav one is Han Seungsoo & Minjung. They really doing great and they seem really a good friend, looking from their instagram updates.
Im a huge fan of esteem so i'm here for chulwu, taeeun, donggyu and also jaehyuk
Halfway through...but isn't it kind of unfair since some of the guy models have already debuted? Chulwu is really cute...I think I followed his instagram from before already
Thank you so much for subbing this :D
Thanks so much for the subs!!! My favorites as of right now are Yongsoo and Seungsoo I love their eyes even though Seungsoo seems to be ridiculously cocky lol
I was hoping someone would sub it! THANK YOUUUU!!!
THANKS!!! is my first KNTM *o*
Thanks so much for your hard work! I love the show. KNTM has some of the best NTM-shootings. Thanks for subbing this!
My favourite contestants unitl now are:
Kim Seung Hee ♥
Kim Yerim
Lee Cheol Woo
Kim Jong Hoon
Bang Tae Eun
Han Seung Soo
Thank you for your hard for as I enjoy watching KNTM however I don't understand korean language so, thanks to you I could finally watch it with subtitle. :)
My favourites are: Seung Soo and Gi Ppeum
Love from London!
Thank you sooooooo much for the subs!! YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!!!! Lots of love from the US <3
do you have profiles of the 16 official contestants like their bday, weight, age etc? btw i've been a fan of your blog since style log season 1. i appreaciate ur hardwork... thanks :) :)
Thank you so much! I was in Korea last week and I happen to see Bang Taeeun outside the Esteem building. I know he's a model but I didn't know he and Chulwoo were also part of this show. He was really handsome btw. He happen to walk in front of me and my friend and I didn't even bother to ask for his pic. We just gaped at his handsomeness. LOL
Thanks for subbing!
PS: Seungsu's really good!
Thanks sooooo mcuh for the subs ^^~ 유비 짱짱 girl :*
Thanks so much for the subs!Haven't watched any episodes yet,but I'm so thankful you took the time to sub this!It looks very interesting since it's the first co-ed reality of this type that I've come across! :D
Thank you so much for the subs !
I've been watching ANTM for a few years now, and it's the first time I get to see a franchise of the show.
Can anyone explain me why some of them are already celebrities ? That makes me really confused...
My favorites, in the first episode, were Mr Long Hair (don't remember his name). To me, even if this guy has a weird brain, I think he looks so good. I don't even understand why he got eliminated.
Then I'd say Hwang GiBeum and JongHoon and SeungSoo.
Going to watch ep 2 now ! Thank you and bye bye
thanks for subbed it!! i really really love KNTM ! !!
Lee Chulwoo is the boy from Secret Hyosung - Goodnight Kiss MV right ??
Can someone help me on how I can watch this ?
Oh my god Seungsoo is great! I like Seunghee and Donggyu too
tell me please how to watch it?
Please is cycle 1 available with English subs?
im just follow you on twitter, to try download and streaming kntm cycle 5
im just follow you on twitter, to try download or streaming kntm cycle 5
it said that you removed the videos ....plz i really want to see them
Please. I really want to see this. But it is removed.... I beg of you, please re-upload the videos.
Reupload this cycle pleaseeee... This cycle was amazing... I want to download this, plis plis plissss
Its all removed :(
I can't watch this video
What's wrong
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