Mar.07: updated with K-Star news interview
Mar.12: posted the Prologue (character introduction, NGs)
NO REUPLOADING, NO EMBEDDING & NO DIRECT LINKING MY VIDEOS! Relink my adfly links if sharing somewhere else. Not difficult right? SO FOLLOW THE RULES!
Note: Disable adblock to be able to watch
google drive (download + YT streaming) links are available on my twitter
PS: I had a hard time distinguishing the name of Yunho's GF. I heard Hyerin in ep2 then Heewoon in ep3-4 but now I can be sure it's Hee Eun. Sorry about the confusion guys!
New short drama starring Hong Jonghyun <3
A little cliché, a little cheesy but sill lovely to watch~ Hope you'll like it.
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thank you for this hard work. ^_^//
cannot wait for subbed ep4...thanks you thanks you...
Thank you so much! <3
Thank you, thank you, I am thankful to you very much^^
they all look comfortable each other..i wish you can translate this one also..huhuhu...
thank u u re faster than any one
thanks very much for sub ^^
Thanks for the subs!
Thank You so much for the fast subs!…. <3
thank you for the subs. i lub you so much ;))
Thank you very much for this ^^ as a fan of Seungyeon and Jonghyun, I'm very happy about this ^^
thank you for the subs!! :DD
thank you thank you thank you for he subs ^^
Thank you so much♥♥♥~
anyone know the title and singer of the song that played in the ending scene of ep 5? it's beautiful
@projectElf: title of the song is still unknown but it is sung by Seungyeon. It will be released next week =)
I'm excited for the your next episode. ;)))
Did anyone else shouted "YES! You go girl!" when Jihoo slapped back? Well, I did. I'm loving this drama. I was only watching it for SeungYeon but starting ep3 It started to get cute and I look forward to more episodes. Thanks for your hard work subbing. I appreciate it. ^_^
How come i can't watch it???
Can someone help me??...
@sintya: have you clicked on skip ad on the top right after 5 sec?
Thank you so much for subbing~~
Thank you so musch for subbing..you're so fast ^^
Thank you so much^^
@yubi subs After i click on the the link of the eps that i one, it take me to a blank page with nothing on it. Not even the skip ad for 5sec one. I really don't know what's wrong?? Is it because of the adblock??
@sintya: try disabling adblock. refreshing the page and click right open a new tab/window.
I'm really curious about this interview,
If you sub this it'll be a huge help,but if you don't it's okay =)
Anyway, thanks a lot for all the episodes you subbed,you are an angel to us ^_^ Not a lot can sub fast like you
thank you so so much ... really appreciate your work in sub'ing ... amazing
awesome job! keep it up! btw may i know wen'll the next one be up?
Gosh! I keep on checking your blog for updates <3 Really love this kind of short drama.
Wow! Hong Jong Hyun...He is so good looking!
My special thanks from Brazil.Keep up the good work!
thank you so much :D
i'm glad u subbed this drama ^^
Thank you soooo much for subbing this♥ and soo fast as well, great job!!
Thank you for the subs ! I love seeing Jonghyun in this <3 I even got my cousin (who is not a kpop fan) into this.
Thank you for all the hardwork!
thank u so much i enjoyed watching this mini
really appreciate ur hard work
Thank you...!!! :D
you did a wonderful work <3 thank you <3
Thank you so much, good job!
thank you..i'm finished download it
finally i found it! thank you!!
does anyone know ttitle of the song playing at 12.05-14.16 in ep.10 ?
yubi please sub 4 style log 4 soon tks u 4 u re hard wor
Brian - 휴 (休) (Definitely Neighbors OST)
i want more...this is too cheesy....arghhhhh...jong hyun is so damn handsome...can't get my eyes off him.....kkkk....couldn't get this drama over it...
Does anyone know the title of the song which was played in 08:55 in episode 10 or even the name of its singer ^^ ????????
Thank you for the subs in this drama!!! ^^,
Hi Yubi~~ I really appreciate for your help for the subs that we are starving for jong hyun more and more! Thank you~
But when i open the link for HLH Pro in dailymotion, the video mentioned that it was being encoding.. "encoding in progress, the video is being encoded please wait" i couldnt play it.. TT__TT
I've waited for more than 1 hour but it didnt work anything... =(
Yubi ssi, could you please fix the link? Thank you in advance ^^
+vistha ho dailymotion is hzving technical problems so some of my old videos can't be played for the moment. I don't know when it'll be back and I don't have this video uploaded elsewhere so we can't do anything else than wait. Sorry about that.
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